The third (and final) university trip had us taking a tour of Waseda University, one of Tokyo’s most prestigious private universities. One of the students at the university greeted us and showed us around, talking about the different buildings and the history of the educational establishment.

I had previously glanced over the exchange program at Waseda previously, but did not take interest to it, however the campus is very beautiful and the area seems wonderful. However, since the focus is not in my major, I still intend to do a different program in 2012.

Afterwards, we had reserved tickets to the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka.

I adore Ghibli, but admittedly I was not expecting much from the museum after the disappoint of the manga museum in Kyoto and was actually opposed to the trip initially.

<(*____________________________*)> ワアアアアアアアアアアアアア~ すごい!

We wandered around the museum for almost three hours, watching a short film called “Mr. Dough and the Egg Princess.” It was both frightening and adorable.
I love Ghibli… That place was rather amazing, all and all.

Our sensei and a couple of the girls reached over the cat bus restriction ropes to pet one of the soot balls.

Then this morning, we headed out a city bus tour.
The first stop was Tokyo Tower, Tokyo’s television broadcasting tower. Personally, I love nightscapes so whenever I’m somewhere with a view of a city I wish I could be there at night…

This followed a short stop by the outside of Tokyo’s Imperial Palace before we moved onto Sensoji.

The sunlight was shining bright the full day and after traveling back to Tokyo station, the group split up. Mostly everyone headed back to the hostel, but I returned to Shinjuku in order to drop by the Angelic Pretty at Marui One again because I had my eyes set on the Vanilla-Chan coats they had on sale, mostly because I have deeply wanted a Loli coat all winter long and partially because I plan to spend my last day out tomorrow decked out in Sweet ^_^V And it’s pretty cold in Japan right now, plus I refused to go out in Lolita if I did not have Loliable coat this time around. In addition, Marui was having its winter Sparkling Sale so I bought a $500 coat for about $200
Getting up early to do my hair and make-up for my last day in Japan tomorrow. It’s sad to think I am leaving again already.
I don't know what that pink bunny is, what it's made of, or what it tastes like....but I wanna eat it.